An “award” (read: me answering some questions)

So I was “nominated” for a blogging “award” called the Getting to Know You Award, which I put “nominated” and “award” in quotes, because it’s really more a request for me to answer some questions, because I don’t think there’s an actual trophy or cash prize or anything. Or IS there? But regardless, it’s kind of the best thing that’s happened in about a week, besides Joel babbling some syllables resembling “mama.” Continue reading

Chickydoodles? (On naming my blog)

The other day someone asked me how I came up with my blog name. And several months ago I wrote a post to explain where I got “chickydoodles” and never posted it, but I’m posting it today, because an inquiring mind wanted to know, and it’s always smart to write for a target audience of one. And also, these past two weeks I’ve been struggling with intense feelings of exhaustion and isolation, so I tried to write about the exhaustion piece of this, but I failed (for obvious reasons). Continue reading

Why blog?

Blogging is new – completely out of character for my shy self. But three months ago, my baby died. And what do you do after your baby dies? You start a journal. Because your therapist, and everyone else you know, recommends it – so you can process all of your complicated thoughts about everything you’ve been through and how no one understands. And I like to write. Continue reading